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AbleLink WayFinder Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - AbleLink WayFinder

AbleLink WayFinder is an accessible travel guidance system for individuals with cognitive support needs.

This giveaway offer has expired. AbleLink WayFinder is now available on the regular basis.

AbleLink WayFinder is an accessible travel guidance system for individuals with cognitive support needs. It helps people to travel independently, whether by bus or on foot, providing picture and audio instructions based on a specific route created for the individual. Routes are created on the phone via WayFinder’s Setup Wizard and can be tailored to the preferences of the individual. When on a route, the traveler simply taps on the picture of their desired destination and WayFinder takes over from there.

With AbleLink WayFinder, specific travel routes can be created and later activated from the GPS location. A support professional, caregiver, or family member can create completely customized and personally meaningful content, all delivered in AbleLink's trademark simplified interface.

The GPS-based tracking interacts with WayFinder to safely guide the user via step-by-step visual and audio instructions. WayFinder can help assure travelers that they are on the correct route by pointing out important landmarks along the way, even telling them "this is not your stop" when the bus stops and others depart at a bus stop that is not their own destination.

Route building is easy for the travel trainer or other support professional. An easy-to-use wizard guides you to record audio prompts, select images, and create steps the user will experience along the way. Once a route is underway, time- stamped location updates can be viewed by caregivers if desired, ensuring peace of mind.

The AbleLink WayFinder app is part of a larger Ecosystem of tools to support travel training and data collection for an organization’s transportation initiatives. For more information on the WayFinder Ecosystem or to talk with other organizations that have been using WayFinder, contact AbleLink at sales@ablelinktech.com.


AbleLink Technologies, Inc.






51.41 MB






iPhone, iPad

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