Her gün sizlere, piyasa değeri onlarca dolar olan bir programı tamamen ücretsiz olarak sunuyoruz!
Bu programın süresi doldu. Alphabet Car artık firmadan temin edilebilir.
Find the right letters to a given word by using your mobile device like a steering wheel and have your child learn how to spell in a fun and engaging way.
* Fun Edutainment – learn letters, words and spelling through fun play
* Stage and Level Design – From Preschool to Advanced for various stages of your child's development
* Colorful and entertaining environment with beautiful 3D graphics and music
* Car Customization
* Hours of fun edutainment and rich content over 40 stages/levels
P.S. Lite version offers 2 levels and 4 stages.
Baby Cortex
15.08 MB
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
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