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AP European History Buddy Giveaway
gratis hoy

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - AP European History Buddy

The features of this app include 1. Practice AP Exams- 2.
$1.99 gratis hoy

AP European History Buddy
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The features of this app include

1. Practice AP Exams-
2. Vocabulary Flashcards

In the information age of today education, learning and teaching is changing fast. The technology that is being used in and outside of the classroom is everywhere. Almost every student has a cell phone with access to the Internet. Even with out Internet access there are educational applications for iPhone, iPad, tablets and so on. The methods for teaching students and special needs students are expanding. Some schools are going all iPad. Meaning all students will have iPads with digital textbooks and new learning tools.

For students these types of applications can be very useful. The student who cannot focus on one type of learning at a time can flip back and fourth through the app to stay focused. The student who is an extremely visual learner will be attracted to the devices colorful screen of pictures in the lesson. The student who has trouble writing notes or preparing them self for a test can simply open up previous lessons and practice on the interactive quizzes of the apps. The student who is a auditory learner can listen to nature sounds while reviewing topics or watch videos related to each topic. The very high performing student can find interesting topic related daily news and summarize it for the class. All of these options can be utilized through one educational app.

AP European History Buddy is the ultimate tool for learning about the AP European History. AP European History Buddy is not only an app for students learning AP European History, but also a app for teachers. The features of this app makes Study Guides & Exam Prep extremely convenient.

The features of this app include

1. Practice AP Exams-
2. Practice AP Quizzes by Topic
3. Vocabulary Flashcards

This app would be ideal for classrooms with iPads because it has the resources to prepare for a AP Exam or to present a lesson. I All the buddy apps are available on the app store and have been helping teachers and students since their release. This app is a great study guide and great for exam prep.


Feraco media Inc.






16.86 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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Windows Giveaway of the Day
$8.99 per month
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Potente software de clic del mouse para simplificar las tareas repetitivas.