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AR Diorama - Qurious Island Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - AR Diorama - Qurious Island

Kids combine the objects with five DIY craft projects to make their own augmented tropical island.

This giveaway offer has expired. AR Diorama - Qurious Island is now available on the regular basis.

The theme of our app is Tropical Island, and it features a “building menu” with digital objects typically found in a tropical environment. Kids combine these objects with five DIY craft projects to make their own augmented tropical island.

Adding digital elements creates a magical environment for the kids- the tide pool glistens, palm trees drop coconuts, clouds make rain (and even cause rainbows under the right conditions). Kids may notice some true-to-nature relationships such as water causing seeds grow and flowers attracting butterflies.

Additional features such as taking pictures, recording notes in a field journal & shooting videos with their own narration help kids express their individuality in a unique augmented reality diorama. We believe that this kind of open-ended play will intrinsically motivate kids to explore, learn and spark their imagination about topics that could in the future become their passion.

Kids are encouraged to use their imagination to craft a world that’s part digital 3D and part DIY craft projects. (And 100% creative.)

As part of the play, kids are motivated to physically get up and move around the world they have created, so they can explore hidden details above, below, around and even inside the objects.

Please visit our website for more information: www.getqurious.co

You can also follow us on our social channels;

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getquriousapp/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GetQuriousApp

Contact us: info@getqurious.co


GET QURIOUS is a start-up Tech Toy company in Los Gatos, CA. We are launching a line of products designed to foster kids' curiosity, discovery, and passion for STEM / STREAM Learning - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math.


With GET QURIOUS, children engage in creative play with story cards, sticker books, puzzles, masks, and more. Their play experiences can then be enhanced by playing with the Augmented Reality apps (AR). Once downloaded, the AR app bring endless game and activity variations to the children's play experiences while fostering their curiosity, discovery, and passion for STEM / STREAM Learning - Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math. Kids can enjoy these activities by themselves, or with others.

The app only works in the below mentioned devices

iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
iPhone SE
iPad Pro (9.7, 10.5 or 12.9) – both first-gen and 2nd-gen
iPad (2017)
iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
iPhone X


Get Qurious Inc.






339.4 MB






iPhone, iPad

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