Todos os dias oferecemos software com licenças GRATUITAS que do contrário você teria que comprar!
Astro Pics
está disponível como uma oferta Giveaway of the day!
Vocк tem um tempo limitado para fazer o download e instalar.
*** Rated #1 Astronomy Picture of the Day app for iOS ***
Meet the all new Astro Pics! Featuring a breathtaking new photo viewer and a redesigned Apple Watch app, powerful yet simple and delightful interactions, and automatic favorites syncing across your suite of iOS devices—the way it should be. Astro Pics is the best way to view Astronomy Picture of the Day on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch. Experience a new, breathtaking photo of our universe each day.
Experience your favorite Astronomy Picture by adding them to your favorites. And now you can enjoy your favorites across your suite of Apple devices featuring the all new automatic favorites sync. The way it should be.
Explore Astro Pics on your Apple Watch and view the latest astronomy pictures on the go.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Astronomy Picture of the Day is a service of ASD at NASA/GSFC and Michigan Technological University
Type440 LLC
4.29 MB
iPhone, iPad
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