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Baseball Pitch Speed Radar Gun Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Baseball Pitch Speed Radar Gun

Just give a try and accept the Challenge.
$1.99 EXPIRÓ

Esta oferta de regalo ha expirado. Baseball Pitch Speed Radar Gun ya está disponible.

*** How BRISK you can throw, just BRAG about your Pitch Speed!!!***

It has the cleanest and intuitive interface then other Radar Guns over App Store. Just give a try and accept the Challenge. Now it comes with multiple skins. Now go for more sporty theme...

Baseball Radar Gun uses advanced color coding for simple identification of your speed. The SPEED DIAL change its COLOR according to your speed of throw. You love the animations with your throw speed.

Pitch Speed Color GRAPH:

► 75 Over Red - *** WOW, its KILLING ***
► 61-75 Orange - *** REALLY FAST ***
► 51-60 Yellow - *** PRETTY FAST ***
► 41-50 Green - *** AVERAGE ***
► 00-40 Blue - *** SLOW ***

How it works
Baseball Speed Radar Gun is very easy to use:

1. √ Tap anywhere on CIRCULAR DIAL when pitcher pitches the ball (START)

2. √ Tap again on CIRCULAR DIAL when catcher catches the ball (STOP)

This method of pitch speed calculation allows Baseball Speed Radar Gun to be used on any phone, regardless of its age or camera quality. Also, it makes the pitch calculator very easy to use.

► Find pitch/throwing speed
► Pitch counter. Don't miss a single pitch with the counter function.
► Dial and its animations at its best
► Stopwatch . The digital watch, very useful in practice sessions.
► Pitch history. No need to write down the times yourself, Baseball Speed Radar Gun remembers the last 5 pitches at minimum.
► Color Coding, for easy identification, at a glance. “Blue,Green,Yellow,Orange,Red”
► Color Coding in History, for easy identification, at a glance. “Blue,Green,Yellow,Orange,Red”
► Color Coding in Average.
► Custom distance for any kind of League games.
► League Presets: Little League, Major League Baseball, Fast Pitch Softball.
► Cheaper than a radar gun, and just about as effective.
► Can be used in many sports! Hockey, soccer, handball, you pick the sport and Baseball Pitch Speed Radar Gun does the measurements.

Its a great entertainment tool and fun to use Baseball Speed Radar Gun for practicing and improving your skills!

Drop us email for any kind of suggestions & feedback at ''.



Harjot Singh






25.77 MB




Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Chinese, Turkish,


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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