毎日 通常購入しなくては使用できないソフトウエアを無料で提供します!
このgiveawayオファーはすでに期限が切れています。BeenThere: Collect Cool Placesが今紹介されています。
BeenThere is the answer to questions like:
- "What was that place called again?"
- "What was the name of that nirvana-enducing cocktail I ordered?"
- "What's their address?"
- "What else is around there?"
With BeenThere, you can easily save your favorite restaurants, shops, etc. directly to your phone. Once saved, you can search using multiple filters and even add those special places to your "Favorites". BeenThere even does some cool things for you behind the scenes, such as:
-saving a location's phone number and website so you don't have to (so annoying, right?)
-provide sharing options via Messages/Mail
-redirecting you directly to Maps so you know you're headed to the right place
While it can't pull the perfect espresso shot (maybe in a later version?), BeenThere can help you remember the place that does.
Peyton Shetler
684 KB
iPhone, iPad
コメント BeenThere: Collect Cool Places