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Body Food Weight: diet tracker Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Body Food Weight: diet tracker

Body Food Weight is a Nutrition Health Enhancer, Food Categories Diary and Calorie Counter IOS App.

This giveaway offer has expired. Body Food Weight: diet tracker is now available on the regular basis.

Body Food Weight is a Nutrition Health Enhancer, Food Categories Diary and Calorie Counter IOS App, available for iPhone and iPad.

Using FOOD CATEGORIES instead of individual ingredients makes our app easy to use, REDUCING considerably the calories COUNTING TIME. Enhancing the consumption of health promoting foods and reducing the over-consumed processed foods you will BALANCE YOUR DIET. Whatever are your food choices and whatever is the food availability in your area, Body Food Weight will easily calculate your CONSUMED CALORIES.


In Body Food Weight the food is split in eleven groups that cover any of the food choices you may have. Our nutrition app will train you to distinguish between healthy options and less desirable alternatives. Guiding you to eat more whole plants and less processed food, meat and dairy products.

FIBER is found only in PLANTS. According to available studies 90% of us are fiber deficient - this exposes us to a many possible health problems. Fiber consumption is associated with increased intake of vital micronutrients like vitamins with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Body Food Weight app will give you the right information about the structure of consumed food with emphasis on the RATIO between PLANT and OTHER.

VITAL FOR HEALTH - PLANTS - Cereals, Fruits, Raw Vegetable, Cooked Vegetable, Seeds
OVER-CONSUMED - OTHER - Diary lower than 15% fat, Diary higher than 15% fat, Meat, Added Oil, Sweets, Alcohol

Knowing how much of calories intake is plant based and how much came from other sources is an easy way to understand the HEALTH OF YOUR DIET.

Why is this important?
- A diet in which 3-5 serving 60-80% daily calories come from, PROCESSED MEAT, RED MEAT, POULTRY, DIARY, EGGS, HIGH-PROCESSED FOODS is associated with INCREASED RISK (50%-350% higher) of developing: obesity, cardiovascular disease; coronary heart disease risk; cerebrovascular risk; type-2 diabetes; cancers of: mouth, throat, esophageal, colon, colorectal, thyroid, lung, breast, prostate, bladder.
- A diet that includes: 3-5 serving of BEANS, GREENS, FRUITS, WHOLE CEREALS is associated with a LOWER RISK (10%-70% lower) of developing: obesity, heart attack, cardiovascular disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, cancers.
- Plant consumption seem to be related with a lower risk all-cause mortality.

The Plant Group with lower caloric density, will not just improve your overall health but will help those that are willing to lose weight. To gain or maintain body weight users will have the option of controlling calories in a healthy fashion.

Using the tangible characteristics of food weight and of food categories - users have visibility over WHAT and HOW MUCH they eat. The insight on eating habits will become the foundation of your desired changes, reaching weight and nutrition targets.

Body Food Weight app will prepare the MEAL PLAN so you will know WHAT TO EAT and HOW MUCH. You will receive the amount of food for every food category that you should consume in order to reach your Categories Share Target without exceeding Calories Target.

With every meal data you introduce you will get a more complex image of your diet. Data is provided as visual and numerical information, monitored back in time.

For a long lasting eating habits improvement and with easy add to diary solution Body Food Weight is providing:
- diary for: food category consumption, calories, body weight
- day and meal calories intake tracker
- calories source analysis tool
- meal plan generator app
- target settings and monitor for: daily & meal calories, food category source, body weight

Body Food Weight app integrates with the Health app (collects information about Weight at the moment)

Body Food Weight application as a full service may be accessed for a fee or using one of the subscriptions: Full App Access Monthly / Yearly. For more details check our Terms and Conditions. https://bodyfoodweight.com/terms-condition


One Key Path SRL


Health & Fitness




37.55 MB






iPhone, iPad

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