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CINC Manager+ Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - CINC Manager+

CINC Manager is a fully integrated iPad mobile application that works with CINC Systems for Violation Inspections.
$109.99 free today

CINC Manager+
is available as a Giveaway of the day!
You have limited time to download, install and register it.

CINC Manager is a fully integrated iPad mobile application that works with CINC Systems for Violation Inspections and Work Orders. 
With CINC Manager, you are able to view, track, and update CINC Systems data in real-time. CINC Manager also utilizes your iPad's features such as the camera to put photos on your violation letters or attach to the work order for a better understanding of the service problem. The iPad's GPS coordinates can also be used to assist you in located properties while driving through the communities during inspections. The CINC Manager application on the iPad eliminates the need for you to take along printed reports, note pads, cameras, and pens. Since the data access is real-time, you do not need to type this information in later, or upload it after you return to the office. All the information you need to make decisions are available to you on-site, with CINC Manager. 
1.View, update, or create new Violation Inspections and Work Orders on-site with real-time access to your CINC Systems data. 
2.Attach photos to new or existing Violations and Work Orders. These photos can also be added to your violation letters or emailed to vendors for work orders to eliminate confusion. 
3.Escalate a Violation to the next level or resend the current level letter again. 
4.Close Violations or Work Orders that have been resolved. 
5.Re-open closed Violations and continue the process where you left off. 
6.Access historical Violation, ACC and Work Order information so you can make informed decisions. 


CINC Systems






1.91 MB







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