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damn.it Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - damn.it

Are you missing to complete the most important tasks very frequently?

This giveaway offer has expired. damn.it is now available on the regular basis.

Are you missing to complete the most important tasks very frequently? Are you in fetch of an app that plays your own voice, speaking about the damn tasks that are to be accomplished? damn.it is what all you need, an app that perfectly fits you.

damn.it is built with the thought to benefit the users in reminding the plans exactly at the point when they have to be put into action. damn.it is a combination of voice recorder and a voice activated alarm with some more advancements, which reminds you about the tasks to be executed. The features that you benefit with the

damn.it are:
=> You can create a list of to-do tasks with variant priorities.
=> The task can be saved in your own voice.
=> There are various pre-defined categories under which the tasks can be placed.
=> The tasks in any category can be marked as completed at any instant.
=> You can create and customize a new category to fit your requirement.
=> The categories can be deleted or emptied if necessary.
=> You can share the app on Facebook, rate it or give your feedback.

With such incredible and useful features, what are you waiting for? Grab the damn.it app and immediately start using to get all your things done damn easily at the right time, in the right way and at the right place as planned.








4.48 MB




English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Chinese


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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