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DinoBoy Adventures Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - DinoBoy Adventures

Join Dino Boy in his first adventure on the iPad and iPhone!

This giveaway offer has expired. DinoBoy Adventures is now available on the regular basis.

- Unique interactive elements , multiple choice story paths, pick a pet! -

Join Dino Boy in his first adventure on the iPad and iPhone! Kids will want to read this book over and over again as they play through a multiple choice story with one of three different pets!

- The only multiple choice book made specifically for kids. They decide what happens next!
- Pick a pet dog, cat or bird to come along with you on your adventure
- Interactivity on every page designed with kids in mind- open a zipper door, hop on a swing, ride dinosaurs and play your way through a toy store.
- Tired of reading the same old stories? Dino Boy is an original character in a surprising new world. Help him make a new friend and find his way back home.
- Fully voiced “Read to Me” and “Read to Myself” features. Touch any word in the book to hear it read individually.
- Made for both the iPad and iPhone

Thanks for your interest in our first book. Three Thumbs Up is a small three-man team dedicated to making books that kids want to play, including our own. We’d love to bring you more adventures with Dino Boy! If you had a good time reading it, we'd love to hear about it in the comments, and thanks!

-Three Thumbs Up








48.08 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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