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Endarked Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Endarked

Endarked is a death race between Light and Darkness that starts at full speed as a mysterious storyline unfolds.
$1.99 free today

is available as a Giveaway of the day!
You have limited time to download, install and register it.

Endarked is a free, innovative and extremely fun action game that brings brand new motion controls to the iPhone and the iPad.

Set in space-like environment, Endarked is a death race between Light and Darkness that starts at full speed as a mysterious storyline unfolds. Move your phone or tablet to follow the path of light and escape from the dark clouds of the Light Devourer.

Packed with 12+ motion controls, 24 challenging levels (including boss fights!) you will shake, tap and push to get past the many traps set up by the Light Devourer.

Prepare to travel at light-speed and take portals to new dimensions as you embark on a journey of adversity and survival, yet a journey of growth and accomplishment as well.

Enjoy the journey!

NOTE: For the best experience, we highly recommend playing Endarked with wireless earbuds such as the Apple AirPods.


Please use caution and common sense when moving your iPhone or iPad around. To fully protect your device, Endarked should only be played with a case and wrist strap, in a safe and unobstructed area.


Studio Laganne






159 MB




English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Spanish


iPhone, iPad

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