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Farkle Free with Friends Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Farkle Free with Friends

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Farkle with Friends is an exciting new dice game made for dice fans like you!

This giveaway offer has expired. Farkle Free with Friends is now available on the regular basis.

Farkle with Friends is an exciting new dice game made for dice fans like you! Players take turns rolling six dice to get 1's, 5's, straights, or three of a kind. Compete by choosing whether to bank your points or risk it all by rolling again in this on the edge of your seat game. Score more points by risking another roll, but careful! You could lose it all if you farkle. If you like Yahtzee™, Yacht, Craps, Poker Dice or Pig, you'll love Farkle with Friends!

Challenge your friends and family or go head to head with up to 3 clever computer players. Play Farkle fans all over the world with Game Center!

3D graphics, sound effects, and physics bring the dice rolling action to life. Customize your game by naming your human and computer players, choosing from 16 player images, and setting scoring variations and computer difficulty.

-Shake to roll ( Optional )
-Play versus the computer with up to 3 skilled AI opponents (To choose number of players, click on the red dice at top of screen -1,2,3, or 4)
-For faster game play, turn off dice rolling on Options Menu
-Up to 4 human players
-Customize player names and choose from 16 player images
-4 Levels of computer difficulty
-3D graphics and animation
-Optional scoring variations
-Turn rolling on or off
-How to Play and Tips
-Sound Effects enhance gaming experience
-Save your game where you left off
-Statistics: keep track of your total wins and losses, current winning streak, and highest scores.

Yahtzee™ is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.

Take a chance and win big with Farkle with Friends!

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Better Day Wireless, Inc.






8.47 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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