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Fast Facts Math Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Fast Facts Math

This is simply the best math facts app on the market.

This giveaway offer has expired. Fast Facts Math is now available on the regular basis.

There are eight reasons why this is the best Math Facts App on the market:
1) Use one of our lists or choose individual facts
2) Choose Multiple choice or exact answer
3) Set a time limit to answer; prevent counting
4) RACE the clock feature: enter your name in the Top Ten
5) Option for a mini-lesson if you get one wrong
6) Facts are displayed in four different ways
7) Smart Review: You get extra practice with the facts you miss. There is even an option to review the facts you missed from the previous study session
8) Detailed progress report after each session that can be e-mailed and printed

This is simply the best math facts app on the market. It was created by a Third Grade Teacher with a post graduate degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

There are free apps out there, but they don’t have all the features that make FastFacts so effective at helping young people master math facts. For less than the cost of flashcards you can give your children/students the best math facts app.


Mitchell Mark






30.07 MB






iPhone, iPad

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