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Flash Match  Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Flash Match

Flash Match! is designed to help young children and children with special needs, with facial and object recognition.

This giveaway offer has been expired. Flash Match is now available on the regular basis.

Flash Match! is designed to help young children and children with
special needs, with facial and object recognition. By customizing
these flash cards using your own camera roll it allows your child to
recognize actual family, object and friends to the people and things
they interact with the most (or least)!

Flash Match! is a simple learning game. Once you have uploaded your
pictures of your family, friends or objects you can record the name of
the person, place or thing. The child can then enter practice mode or
quiz mode where they must correctly identify the proper person, place
or thing that the app randomly selects!

It is so beneficial for children of all types to learn by facial and
personal recognition. Imagine going to a family party and giving your
child an app to help learn and identify family members. Making these
connections at young ages is key to learning and development!

- Created unlimited decks and flash cards.
- Easily design an entire deck in minutes that your child can enjoy for hours.
- Customize the image, text and audio for each flash card.
- Swipe through each flash card in practice mode.
- Enter quiz mode and see if your child has shown any improvement.
- Positive reinforcement with encouraging sound effects.
- Edit mode requires you to answer a math problem to prevent your
little one from erasing all your hard work.
- No internet connection required to enjoy all features of the app
- No hidden fees or in-app purchases. All features unlocked for 99¢.

The feedback has been overwhelming with our test group. This is the
perfect customer flash card app for kids of all ages.

“This app has been nothing but fun for my 2 year old son. He loves
doing the quizzes and finding his grandpa or his favorite pair of
- Jason M.

“I enjoy feeling involved in my daughter’s education by going around
the house building flash cards. I love seeing her smile when she gets
an answer right and claps along with the app.”
- Darren T.

“For once in my life, I don’t feel guilty leaving my son with the
iPhone. I can leave him on the couch with the flash cards I built and
it gives me time to get dinner ready or clean up around the house.”
- Meaghan R.


Jason Phipps






2.96 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Kommentare zum Flash Match

Windows Giveaway of the Day
$8.99 per month
free today
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