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GoVJ - VJ video mixer Giveaway
grátis hoje

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - GoVJ - VJ video mixer

GoVJ enables any iPhone or iPad to become a fully fledged VJ system!
$6.99 grátis hoje

GoVJ - VJ video mixer
está disponível como uma oferta Giveaway of the day!
Vocк tem um tempo limitado para fazer o download e instalar.

GoVJ enables any iPhone or iPad to become a fully fledged VJ system!

Suitable for both hobbyists and professionals, GoVJ allows you to mix video live from the palm of your hand.

Versatile and flexible, GoVJ can be used in many environments:

- As part of a professional VJ set-up. With output via either Apple AV Adapter, or over AirPlay, GoVJ can be integrated into existing VJ rigs.

- Providing visuals for bands and musicians. Recruit an extra band member or friend, and they can use GoVJ to provide live video accompaniment at your performances!

- At parties. Using an Apple AV Adapter, simply hook up to a TV, monitor or projector and start VJ'ing. If you have an Apple TV, use AirPlay to connect GoVJ wire-free over wifi.


- Mix videos loaded into the app via Files app, iTunes File Sharing, or from your Photo Library.
- Mix two channels of video.
- Choose from Alpha/Add/Multiply/Subtract or Lumakey based blend modes.
- Add and control effect filters on either channel.
- Effect filters, including: Blur, Divide, Edge Detect, Fish Eye, Fish Eye RGB, Heat, Invert, Kaleidoscope, Mirror, Monochrome, Pixellate, RGB levels, Shift RGB, Toon Shading, Tracing, and Vignette.
- Control playback speeds of video on either channel, independently.
- Control effects live on device via pop-up controls.
- Preview your output in real-time on the device.
- Save and load your selected videos as named collections.
- Comes pre-loaded with 18 premium video loops.
- Output your mixed video, full screen via Apple AV Adapter or over WiFi using AirPlay.


roboheadz ltd






72.83 MB






iPhone, iPad

Comentáriosrios do GoVJ - VJ video mixer

Windows Giveaway of the Day
grátis hoje
O 1AvCenter é um centro de vídeo completo de áudio.