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Try any word, even phrases.
You put 1 in, you get up to 25 out.
NO in-App Purchases, Period; You get it ALL!
The AI selects a combination of synonyms, similar phrases, same genre words, etc. all from a single input you give.
Why 25 hashtag output instead of the usual range around 30? - Simple: You don't want all of your hashtags to be relevant yet leave out specific You-Only hashtags such as your Brand/Name/Company, personally social, or pet names do you? - Hence the "More" button for users who want to personalize defaults for their brand and more.
Let's cut to the chase, or as the app would say, the #hunt, the #quest, and many more -
You put "Fantastic" in...
You get: #absurd #crazy #exotic #fanciful #grotesque #imaginative #implausible #incredible #insane #ludicrous #odd #outlandish #preposterous #ridiculous #singular #unbelievable #unreal #weird #artificial #capricious #chimerical #comical #eccentric #erratic #extravagant
You put "Destroyed" in...
You get: #broken #demolished #devastated #lost #ravaged #ruined #shattered #smashed #wrecked #abolished #annihilated #blasted #blighted #consumed #devoured #disintegrated #eradicated #felled #incinerated #killed #obliterated #overwhelmed #razed #sacked #totaled
You put "Lonely" in...
You get: #deserted #desolate #destitute #empty #homeless #isolated #lonesome #reclusive #solitary #abandoned #alone #apart #byoneself #comfortless #companionless #disconsolate #down #estranged #forsaken #godforsaken #left #lone #outcast #rejected #renounced
You put "Fast" in...
You get: #agile #brisk #hot #nimble #quick #rapid #swift #accelerated #active #dashing #electric #flashing #fleet #fleeting #flying #hurried #racing #ready #snap #winged #pdq #bluestreak #breakneck #chopchop #doubletime
You put "Insane" in...
You get: #batty #bizarre #crazy #deranged #idiotic #irrational #irresponsible #mad #nuts #paranoid #preposterous #psychotic #senseless #cracked #crazed #cuckoo #daft #demented #derailed #fatuous #frenzied #impractical #loony #lunatic #maniacal
Try your own!
Bad Assassin Games
64.92 MB
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
Kommentare zum Hashbrown