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Health & Fitness Meditation Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Health & Fitness Meditation

Stay healthy, get fit, and be confident with hypnosis.

This giveaway offer has expired. Health & Fitness Meditation is now available on the regular basis.

Stay healthy, get fit, and be confident with hypnosis. These programs will help you lose weight fast and feel strong and motivated.

And now you can enjoy Rachael Meddows’ amazing hypnosis programs in a new way! Make a playlist, customize each session, and buy the Unlock All program to unlock all of the in-apps for one low price.

* Easy to edit playlist – Listen to more than one program per session!
* Gentle alarm clock function

This app includes Rachael’s Healthy Body Image hypnosis program for FREE.

Check out your Store tab for other programs picked out specifically to help you stay healthy, lose weight, and be confident.

The store offers the following programs:
- Beach Body Weight Loss
- Exercise Motivation
- Healthy Weight Loss
- Stay Healthy and Well
- Mindful Eating
- Yoga Meditation
- Increase Your Energy
- Deep Sleep
- Weight Loss Affirmations
- Confidence Affirmations

Rachael Meddows has helped hundreds of thousands of people with her soothing voice and unique approach to hypnosis.

Lose weight, stay healthy, and feel great today!


Hypnosis and Subliminal, LLC


Health & Fitness




106.44 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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