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Helius' - Addicted Minigames Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Helius' - Addicted Minigames

Helius’ is a world of simple exciting puzzles and games.

This giveaway offer has expired. Helius' - Addicted Minigames is now available on the regular basis.

Helius’ is a world of simple exciting puzzles and games. It is impossible to predict problem sequence: the Helius’ Artificial Intelligence i.e. AI combined with a chance will choose your next task for each moment in time. It’s all based on a mental analytical concept i.e. use of IQ. It’s a little bit challenging also.

Everything is designed simply and logically for thinking and playing. Just try clicking on the new elements popping up on the screen - and discover new possibilities. Every time a game is launched, its terms and appearance are generated as a “clean slate” with a given level of complexity. Daylight turns to dusk in the evening and to dawn in the early hours. The result of every mission and various events forming background too. The games are like brain exercise for you because it involves reasoning. All are logical minigames to pass your free time. Every game is involving a reason to play.


* Helius' evolves from simple to complex forms along with your experience

* Eighteen types of dynamic, puzzles and thinking games, all with adaptive complexity.

* Mathematical puzzles for getting challenges

* A dynamic color scheme reflects the time and meta-game situation.

* Human ability is assessed externally according to seven categories: perception, logic, integration (the ability to induce), thinking, memory, motor skills, learnability and sense of time.

* There are dozens of categories for assessing ability at the internal level of adaptive intelligence.

* All images are dynamically synthesized and adapted for all types of iOS devices.

* Music themes and sound environment are dynamically synthesised reflect game situation and time. Think and then play the game.

* Helius' can be played with friends in groups of up to five. In this event, the same level of complexity is set for all, based on the most advanced of the players.

* The high grade of your helius' intellect and competence may be shared on social networks in the brand visual form.

* The adaptive intelligence model offers different length breaks between missions.

Human ability is assessed externally according to the seven categories: perception, logic, integration, knowledge, motor skills, learnability and sense of time. The reasoning game doesn’t offer prompts or explanations, leaving the human to explore interaction independently in the growing addicted game world. All it needs the attention, cogent thinking & IQ.
Enjoy your encounter with Helius’ and use your brainpower to enjoy the app.

Connect us on: https://www.instagram.com/helius.one/


Serge Kotov






29.61 MB




English, German, Greek, Russian


iPhone, iPad

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