Каждый день мы раздаем лицензионные приложения для iPhone БЕСПЛАТНО!
This giveaway offer has been expired. iBirthDayAlert is now available on the regular basis.
Stay informed of all upcoming birthdays with iBirthdayAlert. When you use this program, you will never forget anyone’s most important day.
- Import all your friends and family's birthdays from your address book.
Birthday List sorted by:
- Current week
- Last week
- Months
- Horoscope
- Names
- Reminder alert. Configure the reminder date on the date of birthday or 1,2,3,4 or 5 days before.
- See the name, photo, age, horoscope and years of your contacts.
- Graph: Number of birthdays by month.
- Apple Watch support.
- Languages:
* English
* Spanish
* French
* German
* Dutch
* Italian
* Russian
* Portuguese brazilian
- Compatible with iPhone, iPod, iPad and Apple Watch.
Marcos Velasco Fernández
7.91 MB
Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
iPhone, iPad