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IP Cam: Phone as IP Camera Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - IP Cam: Phone as IP Camera

When you run it your device iPhone or iPad become IP Camera by RTSP protocol.

This giveaway offer has been expired. IP Cam: Phone as IP Camera is now available on the regular basis.

When you run it your device iPhone or iPad become IP Camera by RTSP protocol.

You can watch video from IP Cam wirelessly in your local WIFI network via Google Chrome on any other device. Just type in chrome browser address from IP Cam(left upper corner) like rtsp:// for example.
Or just download VLC Player (We recommended using VLC Player, because low latency and many features) on any computer or mobile device connected to your local network.
Then open VLC Player -> Open Network... -> Type your iPhone IP which showed in IP Cam app (in upper left corner) like rtsp:// (for example) -> Press "open" and watch.
Also you can use Apple TV for watching IP Cam stream.
You can use your unnecessary old iPhone as IP Camera because IP Cam support since iOS 9.1

WARNING! This app can drain your battery quickly.
Use power adapter or reduce resolution and FPS (SD with 20 frames per second is good for long working time on single charge).

With VLC player you also can record streams from many IP Cam's at same time!


Anna Koynova






1.75 MB




English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Comentáriosrios do IP Cam: Phone as IP Camera

Windows Giveaway of the Day
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