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Kalimba Lessons: Learn & Play Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Kalimba Lessons: Learn & Play

Our Kalimba Notes application is live with the kalimba note library that will be constantly updated!
$2.99 free today

Kalimba Lessons: Learn & Play
is available as a Giveaway of the day!
You have limited time to download, install and register it.

Our Kalimba Notes application is live with the kalimba note library that will be constantly updated!

This app is coded to solve the note problem for kalimba lovers.
Our application has a small file size and is easy to use, although it takes up little space.
The note library of the application will be expanded and the application will be updated with new song notes every week.
You can send the songs you want and cannot reach to your e-mail address or write them as a comment.

- You can add any note you want to favorites.
- Access to favorite notes without internet

The kalimba is an African musical instrument with a wooden soundboard and metal keys (tongues). The instrument is played by holding it in the hand and tapping the tongues with the thumbs, right index finger, and sometimes left index finger. It has a clear, percussive, bell-like timbre.








21.58 MB






iPhone, iPad

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