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Kalision Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Kalision

Kalision is the best puzzle game for iOS.
$0.99 EXPIRÓ

Esta oferta de regalo ha expirado. Kalision ya está disponible.

Kalision is the best puzzle game for iOS. I know that's a bold claim, but I don't have to back it up and you're just looking at the screenshots right now anyway so it doesn't really matter what I write here.

Drag petals around the board so that all the colors match up. Some petals are pinned down and can't be dragged. Those are pretty much the only rules. Here's the obligatory bullet list of features:

• Infinite randomly generated boards
• Multitouch dragging
• Down with the whole retina thing
• Four difficulty levels
• iPhone and iPad compatible
• Fun times
• Seriously, there aren't a lot of features, just try it out.
• I mean, it's pretty cheap. You're probably spending more on electricity sitting here thinking about it.
• Okay, that's an exaggeration.
• What are you going to regret more tomorrow, buying a fun new game or letting your fear of the unknown prevent you from experiencing pure puzzle-based joy?
• You probably burn, like, one extra calorie per hour while you're playing this game.
• Do the right thing. I have a family to feed.

"The best puzzle game since Tetris!"
- Ian Henry, Kalision developer


Ian Henry






193.81 KB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Comentarios en Kalision

Windows Giveaway of the Day
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