毎日 通常購入しなくては使用できないソフトウエアを無料で提供します!
このgiveawayオファーはすでに期限が切れています。KnowRates - Currency Calculatorが今紹介されています。
Convert any currency of the world into your home currency with this fast and intuitive currency converter.
Make sure you know what you are paying. Use Know Rates when traveling abroad, for online shopping and in your multi-currency operations. Find out if you are getting a good deal and what the item would cost back home.
• All currencies of the world;
• Calculator;
• Exchange Rates Board in horizontal mode;
• History of recent conversions;
• Awesome design and sound effects.
Alterplay Pty Ltd
9.38 MB
English, Russian
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch
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