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Matthew Henry Commentary with Audio - 31,102 Bible verses explained Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Matthew Henry Commentary with Audio - 31,102 Bible verses explained

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Understand more Scripture!

This giveaway offer has expired. Matthew Henry Commentary with Audio - 31,102 Bible verses explained is now available on the regular basis.

#2 Top Paid Reference App in the US App Store!

Understand more Scripture!

31,102 Bible verses explained right at your fingertips.

What verse do you want to look up TODAY?

Have you ever read a passage of Scripture that you did not understand? Do you feel intimidated by the Word? Do you feel like you’re not growing in your knowledge of the Bible even though you’ve been reading it for years?

This app is YOUR answer! Your very own Bible tutor to go! An excellent companion for your daily devotions or Bible study.

Fast and easy to use, the Complete Matthew Henry Commentary with Audio provides you with over 5,850 pages of trusted verse by verse explanations of Scripture with over 64,000 Scripture references at your fingertips. The whole six volume commentary is entirely contained on your device, no wireless connection needed.

Start understanding more Scripture in 3 easy steps:

2...SELECT a book, chapter & verse
3...HIT Enter

That’s it!

The app will display the verse and Matthew Henry’s explanation of it. Start reading or listening depending on your preference.

Who is Matthew Henry?

Reverend Matthew Henry was born in Wales, England in 1662. He is considered to be the most trusted and widely read Bible commentator of the last 300 years. An Evangelical, Henry pastored his church for over 25 years and was praised by many other eminent Christians, namely John Wesley, George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon to name a few.

Matthew Henry’s well known six volume Commentary (1708-10) provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the Bible covering the whole of the Old Testament, the Gospels, Acts and the New Testament.

The controls are simple and intuitive. Tap the left or right arrows to go back or forward a chapter at a time. Tap the book name to bring up a list of all books, chapters and verses to jump there fast. Tap a blue scripture reference to view it instantly. You can also change the text size to your liking simply by selecting the top left corner menu icon. You can highlight your favorite passages and use the Night Mode view by selecting the menu button in the top left corner. Finally, you can have the commentary read to you by tapping the speaker icon on the menu bar (bottom).


- No wireless connection needed - the complete 6 volume commentary is entirely contained on your device.

- Text-To-Speech allows you to listen to the commentary

- Highlight your favorite passages

- Night Mode view for your convenience

- 5,850 pages of trusted verse by verse explanation of Scripture

- 64,000 Scripture references accessible by one click

- 3 Font Size Options

- Remembers your location on exit so you return to where you last left off.

- Easily share with your friends

Made with <3 in Minneapolis, Minnesnowta.


Christian Apps LLC






103.43 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Comments on Matthew Henry Commentary with Audio - 31,102 Bible verses explained

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