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Metaspace - 3D Sketchbook Giveaway
grátis hoje

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Metaspace - 3D Sketchbook

A powerful sketchbook made with technology of the 21st century.
$4.99 grátis hoje

Metaspace - 3D Sketchbook
está disponível como uma oferta Giveaway of the day!
Vocк tem um tempo limitado para fazer o download e instalar.

A powerful sketchbook made with technology of the 21st century.

Metaspace gives you the ability to draw in three dimensions, on an infinitely expanding canvas. There are no limits to your creativity.

Use it to:
- Quickly draw out some ideas for a 3D concept
- Take complex mind-mapping notes
- Explore your creative side and develop your ability to draw in 3D

Metaspace uses touch camera controls, meaning that you use familiar multi-touch gestures to move around in the space, whilst using very little battery power. You may also turn on AR mode for something more exciting, where Metaspace will detect the world around you with the back camera, and you will find yourself walking inside of your drawing.

Built with:
- ARKit
- SceneKit
- PencilKit
- Metal

- Full Apple Pencil support on iPad
- Now available on Apple Silicon Mac
- Complete landscape/horizontal orientation support, including split screen (on iPad and Mac)
- Import USDZ files into Metaspace, with full support for materials and animations
- import images from your Photos library

Stay creative.
January 2022


Rafal Kopiec


Graphics & Design




9.99 MB






iPhone, iPad

Comentáriosrios do Metaspace - 3D Sketchbook

Windows Giveaway of the Day
grátis hoje
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