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Moment - Diary / Journal lock Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Moment - Diary / Journal lock

Moment diary app is a way of being a witness to one's own life, something that is harder than you might suppose.

This giveaway offer has expired. Moment - Diary / Journal lock is now available on the regular basis.

Moment diary app is a way of being a witness to one's own life, something that is harder than you might suppose. It is a way of 'trying to see what you are doing, to hear what you are saying'. A diary makes links. First diarist is one's mother who links facts for one, holds the pieces together.

Diary is like the Greek legend about the king who whispered his secrets to the grass. In a diary, you can alleviate a pressure to say the unsayable. It may be something you haven't even said to yourself, revealed through writing.

Who are diaries for? Diary writing often seems airless, it lacks the oxygen of an audience. It can seem solipsistic, bordering on demented - writing to yourself. Some people self-consciously keep diaries which they hope will be discovered as literary gems by their grandchildren 'Keeping a diary should not be a form of vanity publishing

A diary is often a way of trying to cheat mortality: self-memorialising, a garrulous epitaph. It is about leaving yourself behind, it is almost a message in a bottle.

• “Moment has changed my life. Words cannot express my love for this app.”
• "Best choice for diary on iOS."
• "Phenomenal I absolutely love this app. It's an excellent way to track daily progress in a very flexible way."
• "Having tried many free and paid for diary apps I found this the best of them all."

• A simple distraction free interface
• Unlimited journal entries
• Quick diary entry
• Custom reminders encourage capture
• Timeline, calendar & photo views
• Search entries
• Passcode and TouchID Protection
• Local & iCloud Backup & Restore
• Search & filtering
• Write notes and add photos
• See on Map
• See Moments gallery
• Possibility to add an entry to a previous date


Roman Barzyczak






136.52 MB






iPhone, iPad

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