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OBDBoost: Wireless Turbo Gauge Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - OBDBoost: Wireless Turbo Gauge

OBD Boost uses real-time data from your car's ECU to render a realistic boost gauge wirelessly on your iOS device.
$0.99 gratis hoy

OBDBoost: Wireless Turbo Gauge
está disponible como oferta en Giveaway of the Day!
Tienes tiempo limitado para descargar e instalar.

OBD Boost uses real-time data from your car's ECU to render a realistic boost gauge wirelessly on your iOS device. You'll be surprised at how responsive this gauge is—it can be much more realistic then some OEM digital gauges!

OBD Boost connects to your car via a compatible OBD-II adaptor. OBD-II adaptors are sold separately—OBDBoost is designed to work with Bluetooth adaptors that use the ELM327 chip.

OBD Boost features:
- Real-time data display
- Smooth, 60 FPS needle animation
- Two scales available:
--- 30 inHg (vac) to 30 psig (boost)
--- 25 inHg (vac) to 10 psig (boost)
- Digital pressure readout
- Adjustable response speed / smoothing
- Brightness override option (for day driving)
- Automatically connects when you open the app

Most ELM327 Bluetooth OBD-II (OBD2) adaptors should work with this app, but I have not been able to confirm compatibility with all adaptors on the market. Please contact me if you can confirm a particular adaptor works or does not work with OBD Boost, so that I can add it to a list of compatible or incompatible models, and work to support more models in the future.

*Requires compatible bluetooth OBD-II adaptor (ELM327-based) and compatible 1996 or newer vehicle. This app reads the MAP (Manifold Air Pressure) value from OBD-II to determine you current level of boost or vacuum. This gauge is not intended to give professionally-accurate readings; it is designed primarily for entertainment purposes.


Zack Fletcher






14.96 MB






iPhone, iPad

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