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QuickPlan Pro - Project Plan Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - QuickPlan Pro - Project Plan

Project management with natural gestures on Gantt chart, synchronization across multiple devices and across teams, AND supports Microsoft...
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QuickPlan Pro - Project Plan
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Project management with natural gestures on Gantt chart, synchronization across multiple devices and across teams, AND supports Microsoft project plan importing/exporting.

QuickPlan Pro, is THE easy to use project planning app for the iPhone. NATURAL GESTURE use makes project maintenance easier, faster and more efficient than ever before. It is a breakthrough design. Visualize, maintain and simplify projects on Gantt charts, lay out tasks, arrange your project calendar with resources and track task status - all at your fingertips with a minimum of effort and learning.

QuickPlan Pro fine-tunes the best features of Microsoft Project Plan(MPP) and repurposes them for the iPhone - without the complexity - bringing INTUITIVE and discoverable project maintenance to users of all experience levels.

Projects can be shared as Image, Excel and PDF - plus synchronized across multiple devices and teams AND integrated with Microsoft Project Plan - via AirDrop, Email, Dropbox, Box and iTunes.

Natural gestures use on task updating, gantt chart operating, navigation, makes project planning faster and easier;
· Gestures to update task time, sequence, link, outline level and other task properties; start time of entire project;
· Gestures for quick operation: zoom timeline, centralize task, centralize today, select / unselect task, scroll tasks, collapse / expand task group;
· Batch task inputing - input / paste multiple tasks;
· Smooth and clean UI;
· Intelligent menu system.

· Multiple projects orgianzed in project groups, display as tile with cover images and color;
· Project duplication;
· Project importing (from Email, Airdrop, Dropbox, Box and iTunes);
· Gantt Chart with UI customisation options;
· 3 task outline levels (totally 6 outline levels plus child project) - organise tasks within groups;
· Child project - create child projects and sync with parent projects;
· Project resources and contacts management management;
· Project calendar (working / nonworking day) configuration;
· Milestones;
· Task properties: Number, name, notes, date and duration, % complete, resource, work, physical % complete, cost, contractor, status icon;
· Task copy / paste and repeat;
· Save task to iPhone calendar;
· Backup/Restore;
· Passcode.

· Export as Image, PDF, Microsoft Excel files;
· Options to customize Excel content (3 sheets);
· Options to customise PDF content (author name, banner image, for black/white printer, same or separate pages);
· "Open in" support;
· Share files via Airdrop, Email, Dropbox, Box and iTunes.

· Export project as Microsoft Project file (in xml format) and Import into same or other devices;
· Import QuickPlan project into Microsoft Project;
· Import Microsoft Project file (in xml format) into QuickPlan;
· Via Airdrop, Email, Dropbox, Box and iTunes.

· Initialize project plan, discuss, present and share, export to Microsoft Project plan for future work;
· Strategic planning;
· Import MPP and reporting, tracking;
· Record and plan new ideas in and for spare time;
· Schedule and confirm actions at meetings;
· Discuss, schedule and assign tasks;
· Track project progress;
· Guide people by plan and actions;
· Pushing time your way.


Hao Li






40.82 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch


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