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Santa Voicemail Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Santa Voicemail

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Santa Voicemail ~ The No.1 FREE App to allow your little ones to leave a message for Santa.
$0.99 free today

Santa Voicemail
is available as a Giveaway of the day!
You have limited time to download, install and register it.

Santa Voicemail ~ The No.1 FREE App to allow your little ones to leave a message for Santa.

Santa or Father Christmas, you can call his mobile, the naughty list or you can try his Workshop.
(with Santa magic)

You will hear Santa's recorded message and a tone and it's up to you to decide how long to let your children leave their message. Then simply hang up the call to hear Santa sign off.

Call the Naughty List Hotline to clear your name off the list


NEW for 2017

You can now record your message. You can also share your message on social media or send to Santa Radio for Santa to listen to. You may even hear yourself on air.

Santa Radio - The No.1 Christmas Radio with personality is also built into the App.
Santa is on air 24/7.
(Requires data connection. Or download the Free Santa Radio App)


Please checkout the Santa Radio, Sleeps till Santa, Santa Text, Santa Dash, Apps and NEW Santa Messages!

**Parents: Please note, Santa Voicemail won't actually connect you to Santa in the North Pole. You also will NOT be charged for anything as no call is made, it's all produced with sound effects and 'Santa Magic!'.

You might recognise Santa. As heard on BBC Radio 1 & Radio 1Xtra, Radio 2 and the Heart Radio Network in the UK, Blinkbox Music and ItIsOn to name but a few.








74.79 MB






iPhone, iPad

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