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Sport Boards Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Sport Boards

Ready for the big game?! Do you need to quickly draw up a new play during a timeout?

This giveaway offer has been expired. Sport Boards is now available on the regular basis.

Ready for the big game?! Do you need to quickly draw up a new play during a timeout? Or do you want to draw up a few plays before practice? Sport Boards is a feature-packed drawing app that focuses on providing easy play making solutions. With Sport Boards pre-made templates for Basketball, Soccer, Hockey and Football are at your disposal. Just draw up your desired game winning play, then easily share it with your teammates, players, coaches and friends.

Board Gallery
- Create a new board with any sport
- Select, export and share multiple boards
- Select and duplicate multiple boards
- Select and delete multiple boards
- Update and save board titles

Board Drawing
- Full support for Apple Pencil and Finger drawing
- Export and share an image of the clip board
- Drag and drop magnets for player positions
- Show and hide magnets in the settings menu
- Update clipboard title in the settings menu
- Change the sport in the settings menu
- Clear the drawing and reset magnet position in the settings menu


Michael Quinn






5.58 MB






iPhone, iPad

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Windows Giveaway of the Day
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