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TaskMatrix Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - TaskMatrix

TaskMatrix is a unique Task and Note Manager, designed to make optimal use of you iPad's screen real-estate.
$1.99 EXPIRÉ

This giveaway offer has been expired. TaskMatrix is now available on the regular basis.

TaskMatrix is a unique Task and Note Manager, designed to make optimal use of you iPad's screen real-estate.

It is commonly being used as a To-Do List manager; a simple and effective Project Management tool; a Student Timetable & Workload manager; and as a way to easily keep track of and manage Ideas. Tasks are displayed in a unique grid layout, displaying a large amount of information in a single screen. Nearly everything in the App is configurable allowing you to customize and have fun with it.

Current version full functionality:
- Add new Category
- Edit Category Preferences (colors, fonts, ...)
- Re-order Categories
- Delete Category and all its Tasks
- Add new Task
- Add Task Attributes (Priority, Due Date)
- Edit Task text
- Delete Task
- Make Task Complete
- Make Task Active again
- Delete all Complete Tasks
- Re-order Tasks in Category
- Sort Tasks by Attribute (Priority, Due Date, Created Date)
- Select Random Task
- Copy / Paste Task
- Email CSV file containing all Tasks
- Email single Task
- Application Preferences and Defaults (box size, background image or color, box colors, box fonts, box transparency, box and category spacing, UI tint color, UI blink color, where to add new tasks)


UI Technology Pty Ltd






12.57 MB







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