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To (Where Matters) Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - To (Where Matters)

(16 votes) 0 comentarii
(To) helps users explore place and location possibilities with control and confidence by focusing on where is best.

This giveaway offer has been expired. To (Where Matters) is now available on the regular basis.

Place can make you better.

(To) recognizes that individuals always have to connect work, family and personal interests and goals with a specific location in order to optimize decision-making and access meaningful possibilities. (To) is especially valuable to those facing life transitions—choosing a school, entering the workforce, making a career change or thinking about retirement. Each of these passages can represent uncertainty. (To) helps users explore place and location possibilities with control and confidence by focusing on where is best.

Aspiring and practicing physicians are poised to gain the greatest value from (To) 1.0. Whether you’re deciding where to attend medical school, apply for residency, enter practice or pursue part-time work in retirement, location has a big influence on your chances for success and happiness. With (To) you’ll find answers to questions like “Where are the best places to pay back my student loans? Where will my pay go furthest? Where are the best places for my residency and for my life? Where do I fit best?”

With streaming content connecting all aspects of your life through our Feed and Place features, you’ll find (To) to be an invaluable resource for discovering what’s next. Why? Because Where Matters.


myPlace-Seed, LLC






90.98 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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