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Vaporwave - 1980s Picture Arts Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Vaporwave - 1980s Picture Arts

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An 80s retro-style and surrealism art photo editor creating the Vaporwave aesthetic.
$0.99 free today

Vaporwave - 1980s Picture Arts
is available as a Giveaway of the day!
You have limited time to download, install and register it.

Vaporwave is an 80s retro-style and surrealism art photo editor. You can use vaporwave software to create very interesting and abstract art photos.

What is Vaporwave Art?
Vaporwave is one of the music schools born on the Internet. The video, audio, and images of vaporwave were widely disseminated in the early 2010s. The celebration of retro culture, nostalgic artifacts and mass production, as well as the techniques of consumer capitalism and popular culture, the criticism and irony of hippie culture in the 1980s.

Vaporwave = Cyberpunk/Anti-Utopian/ Low Fidelity/ Sampling Fusion Jazz/ Digital/ Chip-Music/ Fault Art/ Futurist/ Retro/ Art De-Qualification / Retro tech / Surrealist... Style

Feature of product:
• Set different proportions of artboards to make art photos
• Built-in 200+ texture background available, including theme-compliant colors, gradient colors, surreal textures, retro cartoon textures, and more
• Built-in 200+ iconic stickers, including statues of David, dolphins, window windows, DVD computer equipment, Tucao characters, surreal items, etc.
• Powerful text editing, you can create gradient text, 3D style text, containing a large number of fonts, colors, textures, etc.
• Import photos from a gallery or camera
• Export and share in HD


xiaohang zheng


Photo & Video




122.47 MB




English, Chinese, Chinese


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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