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Vintage American Cocktails Giveaway
grátis hoje

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Vintage American Cocktails

Vintage American Cocktail provides the historically accurate recipes and the techniques to make them correctly.
$0.99 grátis hoje

Vintage American Cocktails
está disponível como uma oferta Giveaway of the day!
Vocк tem um tempo limitado para fazer o download e instalar.

Vintage American Cocktail provides the historically accurate recipes and the techniques to make them correctly.

• Easy step by step instructions make cocktail photos absolutely attainable.
• All recipes have been specifically selected, researched, tested, and perfected.
• Step by Step how to videos for some cocktails. More coming with each update.
• Easy to use and easy to find your favorite cocktails
• Learn the history of every cocktail and ingredient listed.
• Add whats in your liquor cabinet and discover what cocktails you can make.

The best collection of classic cocktail recipes for the home mixologist. Origins of each mixed drink are provided if known and the oldest known printed recipe. Real photos with simple easy to follow recipes. The step by step instructions make cocktail photos absolutely attainable. Enjoy!


Tomas Curras


Food & Drink




45 MB






iPhone, iPad

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