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Wallax  Giveaway
grátis hoje

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Wallax

"One of my favorite wallpaper apps and one of the first apps to fix the wallpaper issue in iOS 7.
$0.99 grátis hoje

está disponível como uma oferta Giveaway of the day!
Vocк tem um tempo limitado para fazer o download e instalar.

"One of my favorite wallpaper apps and one of the first apps to fix the wallpaper issue in iOS 7. Wallax is hands down the best option." - iMore

Has 100s of features. NO! NO! NO! NO In-app purchase.
Fix Wallpapers, Find, Make & Share Wallpapers.
Wallax has all the options needed for your wallpapers.

Resize freely, tweak, add effects and preview your wallpaper.

Download top wallpaper posted by other users and post your own wallpapers on Wallax through CloudKit.

NOTE : Find & Share features use CloudKit, so those are available only on iOS 8 or above.
- Optimised for iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus & iPads, iPad Air & iPad Air 2.


Fix Wallpapers
- Scale & Resize your wallpapers on black, white, color, gradient or blurred background.
- Freely resize your photos & make them fit lock screen, the way you want.

Add Following Effects
- Blur
- Bokeh
- Text
- Adjustment
- Filters
- Colorize
- Pattern
- Splash Effects

Tweak Wallpaper
- Add Refection
- Tile Photo
- Frame
- Shapes

Make Minimal Wallpaper
- Color
- Gradient
- Pattern
- Bokeh
- Text

Find & Share Wallpapers (Available only on iOS 8 or above)
- You can post your best wallpapers on Wallax using CloudKit to everyone.
- You can browse and download Top & Recent wallpapers from Wallax posted by others.
- Wallpapers of right size.

Check Our Developer web site for more screenshots.




Photo & Video




2.81 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Comentáriosrios do Wallax

Windows Giveaway of the Day
grátis hoje
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