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Weather Dial Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Weather Dial

"…an interface worthy of Apple's sleek devices." - Uncrate "The most beautifully designed weather app we've seen.

This giveaway offer has been expired. Weather Dial is now available on the regular basis.

"…an interface worthy of Apple's sleek devices."
- Uncrate

"The most beautifully designed weather app we've seen."
- Übergizmo

"Beautifully simple"
- Hypebeast

"It's innovative, it's useful, it's aesthetic…"
- Fast Company

***GPS stick is fixed! If you still have an issue...please contact me through the website, you may need to reset your location warnings! Thanks!***

Stop wasting time staring at weather radars and atmospheric pressure readings, you're not an airline pilot...Weather Dial lets you spend more time enjoying the weather...then watching it.

*Built on Dieter Rams' 10 principles of design, Weather Dial is a weather utility app that will complement your life, not complicate it.

Features Include:

- Current Local Weather
- 7-Day & Hourly Forecast that reveals on tap
- Fahrenheit & Celsius settings
- A fully automated night mode that would make Batman jealous
- Optional Dark & Light modes
- % chance of rain day
- Sunrise & Sunset times
- A Globally reaching Geo-location Weather API
- Intuitive Weather Interface
- A 'carpe diem' swag

Special Design Credits & Thanks:

- Adam Whitcroft for the immaculately crafted Climacons
- Jony Ive for creating the canvas
- Dieter Rams for being bold enough to, remove

"An absurd rarity, you realize, as soon as you load it." - Fast Company


David Elgena






3.4 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Comentáriosrios do Weather Dial

Windows Giveaway of the Day
$ 55.00
grátis hoje
Software de ajuste de PC para um Windows rápido, simples e seguro!