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White Noise - Good Night Baby Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - White Noise - Good Night Baby

This app will stick to your hands whenever soothing a baby, putting the baby to sleep, playing with your baby etc

This giveaway offer has expired. White Noise - Good Night Baby is now available on the regular basis.

Thank You So Much for the Update! - 5 star
by Apple Rocks Hard - Aug 8, 2012

I've always liked this app. It's always been pretty cool. Most of the lullabies are unrecognizable but beautiful. The white noise sounds have always had a pretty nice variety, and the sound board that you can play with has, until this last update, been kind of neat. But the update brought this cute little app from kind of neat to really freaking cool! I love it! ...

Mom of two - 5 star
by Fashionfabulousfinds - Mar 20, 2012

This app has it all covered! The call feature is briliant. This app was definitely created by a parent for a parent. My 6 month old daughter sleeps soundly with the stream sound running..whilst my girl of two runs around the house making as much noise as she pleases. I love it sincerely this satisfied mama :)

Love it - 5 star
by Mama murphy - Mar 21, 2012

This app is a life saver!! :) Always soothes my infant when she's fussy! Plus it has tons of fun noises she loves and the lullabies are great too. It's an awesome app altogether

No regret at all!! Very useful!!! - 5 star
by Lovely Young - Mar 24, 2012

It all covered and very useful!!! No regret at all Also many sound contents comparing to similar apps.

Great idea - 5 star
by Nana from okla - May 11, 2012

This is a great idea. I sure wish I had something like this when my boys were young. But I do have my grand babies now and it comes in very handy.

This app will stick to your hands whenever soothing a baby, putting the baby to sleep, playing with your baby and resting yourself and etc

- When the baby is crying
- When needs sleeping training during a few months after born
- When needs sound playing with the baby
- Many sound contents(White noise, Lullaby, Playing with baby) are included

~ White noise: All babies heard the mother's blood flow sound, hear beat sound, etc in mother's womb for about 3 months and they are accustomed to these sounds.
After a baby is born, they feel safe when they hear white noise similar to these sounds.
This is already typical way to soothing babies nowadays.

~ Lullaby: These contained musics are helping babies to sleep.

~ Playing with my baby: These funny and exciting sounds make your baby feels fun and interesting. If you turn on one of drum beat sound and add another sounds, they can like those sounds.

~ Timer: Timer is operating with white noise and lullaby so that parents can set up the time to volume down smoothly and stop the sounds

** Baby is crying because of certain reasons such as hunger, sleepy, urine and feces, so you have to remind yourself about that and remember this app is not a panacea.








132.28 MB




English, Japanese, Korean


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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