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Who painted? Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Who painted?

(11 votes) 0 commentaires
The most common phrase in any gallery: «This is this… this is… whatchamacallit!
$1.99 EXPIRÉ

This giveaway offer has been expired. Who painted? is now available on the regular basis.

The most common phrase in any gallery: «This is this… this is… whatchamacallit!». If you consider yourself as an expert in painting and want to test yourself, or, on the contrary, want to know the paintings and painters, load «Who painted».

The essence of the game is very simple: in each level you see 7 paintings and should guess the artists by selecting from four variants. Levels are divided by country, by museums, and by genres. The number of errors allowed to pass the level gradually decreases, so go through the game to the end can only really big expert in painting.

Do not worry if you can't pass a level at the first time. Try again. Even the author of the game spent a great number of attempts to reach the end.

In the game you will be able to see more than 400 well-known and not very well known paintings in excellent quality. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Picasso, van Gogh, Rembrandt, Raphael and many others.


Gleb Tarasov






176.95 MB




English, Russian


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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