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Christ In Song Giveaway
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iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Christ In Song

These hymns are hand-picked for their focus on Christ Jesus.
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Christ In Song
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We are pleased to present the Christ in Song hymn treasury. These hymns are hand-picked for their focus on Christ Jesus.

856 hymns
MP3 piano accompaniment
655 focus Bible verses
207 biographical sketches
417 authors
Complete musical score

Hymn Organization
5 major themes
37 sub-themes
249 topics
1 focus: Christ Jesus

-Index of biographical profiles
-Index of scriptural references
-Index of authors and sources
-Alphabetical index of tunes
-Index of metrical tunes
-Topical index
-Index of 1st lines and titles
-Index of 1st lines of choruses

-Beautifully rendered typeset pages from Christ in Song hymnal
-Piano accompaniment for each hymn
-Annotation for note-taking on each hymn
-Landscape and portrait mode
-No online requirement

Some Included Authors
Margaret E. Barber
Philip P. Bliss
Horatius Bonar
Amy Carmichael
Bernard of Clairvaux
Fanny Crosby
Madame Guyon
Frances Havergal
A.B. Simpson
Isaac Watts
Charles Wesley
Nicolaus von Zinzendorf

Some Included Hymns
Abide With Me
All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name
Amazing Grace
And Can It Be That I Should Gain
Be Thou Supreme
Because He Lives
Beneath The Cross Of Jesus
Blessed Assurance
Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
Crown Him With Many Crowns
Fairest Lord Jesus
I Stand Amazed In The Presence
Jesus Paid It All
Lead Me To Calvary
Ten Thousand Thanks To Jesus
The Way Of The Cross
There Is Power In The Blood
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross

Excerpt from the preface
“Christ is the center of spiritual song and genuine faith. The sweetest Christian lyrics of all ages have revolved around His Person and work, in whom lies a boundless wealth of grace and mercy. O how Christ leads and shines in the believers’ singing! These hymns of ‘Immanuel’ are constantly sung in the holy of holies of the human heart. Here, such singing in His presence dismisses all doubts, casts off unholy ambitions, brings tears of repentance, restores the joy of salvation, invokes love and hope, and turns eyes heavenward. Here, dissensions among assemblies and theological schools are silenced, and hymnists from every age and sector of the Christian Church raise one voice to glorify one Lord and Savior. Here, Christ is the theme of all ages, tongues, and creeds; the divine harmony over all human and cosmic discords; and the summing up of all things in the heavens and on earth.

Hymns should be simple, full of the experiences of Christ, the appreciation for Christ, and in some measure elevated above mere prose. A desirable hymnbook may be compared to a majestic building, with foundations made solid by accurate truth and sound doctrine, its superstructure elevated with the spirit of poetry, and its interior compartments containing the radiance of spirituality. Spirituality has been the fundamental test in our choice of hymns more often than high poetic literary style.”

6 distinctive features make this treasury useful in drawing nearer to the Lord:
1. Faithful restoration of the authors’ original words as far as practicable.
2. Hymns & spiritual songs for BOTH public & private worship.
3. Special attention to themes often overlooked in hymnals: sovereign grace, overcoming life, personal advent of our Lord, union with Christ, and the sweetness of abiding communion with Him.
4. Covers the broad lyric spectrum spelled out in Ephesians— “psalms, hymns and spiritual songs” (Eph. 5:19)
5. Guided by rare and deep associations of hymns with their history: lyrics breathed by dying lips, traced on prison walls, sung with hushed voices in catacombs, chanted joyfully at midnight, and avowed fearlessly at the fiery stake.
6. Inclusion of carefully researched biographical profiles of authors & composers, so that believers of all backgrounds can meet on the level ground of a common faith.

Christian Chen, 2006

Terms of use:


Jack Cox






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