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Downie Giveaway

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Downie

Downie is a very powerful video downloader and player.

Deze giveaway is verlopen. Downie is nu beschikbaar op de normale manier.

Downie is a very powerful video downloader and player. It allows you to download online videos and watch them later on when you're on the go with no Internet connection, or your Internet connection is limited.

Also, Downie allows you to download videos from some sites that do not support iOS devices and require other technologies, such as Flash, in order for you to view them.

Downie currently contains supports over 500 distinct sites, but works with many more using sophisticated extraction methods and heuristics.

It is possible, nevertheless, that once in a while you come across a site that Downie won’t work with. Do not despair, though, it is very easy to request support for new sites! When you ask Downie to process a link that it does not recognize, it automatically offers you the option to request support for it. Do not hesitate - I usually respond within 24 hours and the site support is usually added in the following update.


Krystof Vasa


Photo & Video




10.04 MB




English, French, Polish, Chinese


iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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