Cada día ofrecemos un programa licenciado GRATIS que de otra manera tendrías que comprar!

Kargoe Giveaway
gratis hoy

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - Kargoe

KARGOE IS where photos live.
$0.99 gratis hoy

está disponible como oferta en Giveaway of the Day!
Tienes tiempo limitado para descargar e instalar.

KARGOE IS where photos live.

Your truth is your expression, we don't ghost or shadow ban your opinions or ideas with algorithms, or segregate / censor your art.

kargoe is a platform putting our users first. kargoers are empowered to be their authentic selves and express their uncensored voices. kargoers are rewarded with cash commissions and cash donations.

Share all, link, post PDFs, download users content, and share / access your Telegram from kargoe.

Speaking your mind and thinking free and independent thought is what has kept moving humanity forward, and at kargoe we trust in truth and opinions even when we don’t agree with them. There needs to be a place for free social interaction.

Come support us if you think this is important, we definitely need more of you.

Let’s freely connect and be unconnected from algorithmic tracking.

Data = Energy, make good Energy.

Make love, not algorithms.


Kargoe Inc.


Social Networking




204.97 MB




English, Portuguese


iPhone, iPad

Comentarios en Kargoe

Windows Giveaway of the Day
gratis hoy
10 wonderful fonts with a unique, detailed and handmade look.