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My Graphing Calculator Lite Giveaway
grátis hoje

iPhone Giveaway of the Day - My Graphing Calculator Lite

My Graphing Calculator Lite brings at your palm the functionality of a standard scientific calculator.
$0.99 grátis hoje

My Graphing Calculator Lite
está disponível como uma oferta Giveaway of the day!
Vocк tem um tempo limitado para fazer o download e instalar.

My Graphing Calculator Lite brings at your palm the functionality of a standard scientific calculator in addition to powerful functions graphing.


1- Scientific calculator
● A powerful and easy to use scientific calculator.
● Calculations are saved and presented in a history tape.

2- Graphing
● Up to four functions can be graphed simultaneously.
● Pinch to zoom and drag to move the graph.
● Trace mode is available for investigation of graph functions values.

3- Built in functions
The following built in functions are supported:

abs, acos, acosh, acot, acoth, acsc, acsch, asec, asech, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, exp, ln, log, log2, logbase, sec, sech, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh.

4- Table View
● View the values of your functions in a table.
● Set variable start value and increment to be able to evaluate your functions at any value.

If you have any comments, problems or suggestions, you are most welcome to contact me at


Math Inside






7.19 MB






iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Comentáriosrios do My Graphing Calculator Lite

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